Thursday, March 19, 2015

Project Seven - Surrealism and Photomontage

This first surrealism picture is the imaginative, abstract art that is commonly found in surrealism art and images. I chose to use a flower as the sun and hands as birds because they represented the real life objects well. I additionally put in a couple of people who are flying away on a bouquet of flowers to add to the strange abstraction of the photo. If I had this photo to do over again, I would do something differently with the background. I like the mountain image, but I think a posterizing effect would work well with the rest of the photograph.

This second image is a more "realistic" form of surrealism. I was inspired by the artists who put people in jars, particularly one person who put a boy sitting on the edge of the jar fishing into it. I liked the jar because it gave a sense of scale to the image. I put three people in the image playing in "snow," which is actually cherry blossom petals and flowers. When the petals fall from the trees in springtime, it always looks like snow to me, and that's how the I the inspiration to create this image. The petals are from five different photos and are repeated over one hundred times (total) in order to create the "snow storm" effect. I am happy with the final outcome of this photograph. 

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